
農曆新年是一個充滿傳統、歡樂和溫馨的節日,親朋好友齊聚一堂,共同期許著新的一年將帶來更多幸福和繁榮。透過影片大家可以認識更多農曆新年的慶祝方式。 雙語中心祝大家新年快樂 我們下學期見! Lunar New Year is a traditional, joyful, and heartwarming celebration where family and friends gather, hoping for happiness and prosperity in the coming year. Through videos, people can explore diverse ways of celebrating Lunar New Year. Wish everyone Happy Lunar New Year! See you in next semester.

EMI Kainan 發佈於 2024年1月22日 星期一