
這週我們要來介紹六月節!是美國重要的節日,紀念1865年6月19日得克薩斯州最後一批被奴役的非洲裔美國人獲得自由。這也凸顯了自由和平等的價值。現在,六月節被視為自由和平等的重要象徵,並通過各種慶祝活動,如遊行、音樂和演講,來紀念這一歷史性事件。 This week we will introduce the Juneteenth! It is an important festival in the United States to commemorate the freedom of the last group of enslaved African-Americans in Texas on June 19, 1865. This also highlights the value of freedom and equality. Now, June is regarded as an important symbol of freedom and equality, and this historic event is commemorated through various celebrations, such as parades, music and speeches.

EMI Kainan 發佈於 2024年6月17日 星期一