
【獎學金】113-1學期培力英語能力檢定測驗(培力英檢)獎學金申請通知 【Scholarship】113-1 Semester BESTEP Scholarship Application Announcement



From now on to 114/1/19, Candidates who attend BESTEP on November 23th, 2024 can check test scores via text message and email.Please be aware that the paper transcript is expected to be sent out in mid-January, 2025.


Students who have achieved B1+ or above both in the listening and reading test can bring relevant supporting documents to the Bilingual Education Promotion Center(N208) to apply for a scholarship of NT$600.

  • 申請時間:即日起收件至114/3/28(五),逾期不候。
  • Application time: From now on to 114/3/28 (Friday)
  • 申請文件:培力英檢聽讀測驗成績單+存摺影本。
  • Application documents: paper transcript+copy of bankaccount.
  • 本次申請獎學金將於114/6/4(三)成果發表會後核發,申請者需準時到場。
  • The scholarship will be awarded after the presentation Ceremony on 114/6/4 (Wednesday),Applicants must attend on time. 




Applicants must be current students in the 113 academic year (until 114/7/31).


Student's account information must be consistent with the information in the "Academic Affairs Information System" and "Student Bank Account System". If there is any inconsistency, please go to the Cashier Department to make changes.

若申請學生為外籍人士者,需檢附居留證,且居留證或護照上之居留日期(從發證日期算起)未滿183天者,須扣繳6%獎金; 若居留證已到期未進行換發,則不得支領獎金。

If the applicant is a foreigner, a residence certificate must be attached, and if the issue date the residence certificate is less than 183 days, 6% of the bonus must be withheld; if the residence permit has expired No bonus will be paid if the issue is not exchanged.
