
This space is the professional space of the Bilingual Education Promotion Center of the Academic Affairs Office, providing an English learning and discussion environment for teachers and students. The relevant borrowing instructions are as follows:

  1. 借用對象:凡本校教師、職員、學生為進行有關英語教學提升活動時,可由教師或學生所屬學系提出申請。
    Borrowing objects: All teachers, staff, and students of our school who engaged in activities related to the enhancement of English teaching activities can submit application by the teacher or the student’s department.
  2. 場地介紹 Venue introduction:
  • EMI 諮詢討論空間可容納6人小組討論,設有討論桌1組。
    EMI Consultation & Discussion can accommodate group discussions of 6 people, with 1 discussion table.
  • 英語主題村 可容納10人,備有英語書籍、多媒體播放設備等,如有遺失或損毀,須依市價賠償,皆不外借。
    English Village can accommodate 10 people. It is equipped with English books, multimedia playback equipment, etc
  • 使用期間如有遺失或損毀,須依市價賠償,皆不外借。
    If there is any loss or damage during use, compensation must be based on the market price, and no lending is allowed.

申請借用連結(Application link):https://forms.gle/TA7hpecf9hCN5Ef6A


We have invited foreign consultants to provide teachers with space for reflective teaching discussions and improve teaching quality.


The themed situation English village has two major situational themes: American Dining Area and English Story House.