
 行政院於「2030 雙語國家政策發展藍圖」中揭示,將以「強化學生英語力,推動EMI全英語授課(EMI, English as a Medium of Instruction),整體提升高教國際競爭力」作為高等教育階段的願景。配合此國家政策目標,開南大學於2022年三月三日成立「雙語教育推動中心」(Bilingual Education Promotion Center)。


In the "2030 Bilingual Nation" Policy Blueprint, the Executive Yuan revealed that the goals and visions of higher education in Taiwan are strengthening students' English ability, promoting EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) courses, and enhancing the overall international competitiveness of higher education. In line with these national policy goals and visions, Kainan University established the Bilingual Education Promotion Center on March 3, 2022.


在師資方面,本校原本即有部分教師於國際榮譽學位學程(International Honors Program, IHP)以全英語向國際學生進行授課。此外,雙語教育推動中心鼓勵教師參與EMI全英語授課知能培訓,通過認證者可獲得補助。目前全校已有超過10%的教師參與培訓。


In terms of teaching capacity, some of the academic staff at Kainan University have had experiences in delivering EMI courses to international students under our International Honors Program (IHP). In addition, the Bilingual Education Promotion Center encourages participation in EMI training, which helps broaden knowledge and enhance skills in delivering courses and giving instructions in English. Those who completed and received EMI certification can receive subsidies. More than 10% of our full-time academic staff have participated in the training.




In order to improve students' learning efficiency and sense of achievement, we conduct an English test for freshmen and organize classes at different levels accordingly for the first-year general English courses. Another test is taken before the end of the freshman year to observe students' progress. In addition, starting from the 2022 academic year, some places in the International Honors Degree Program (IHP) will be open to Taiwanese students who are willing to receive a bachelor's degree through taking English-taught courses for full four years together with international students.




All schools and departments at Kainan University are welcome to cooperate in setting up cross-disciplinary programs taught in English. This will provide a learning environment that cultivates bilingual skills, cross-domain abilities, and international awareness. For courses that are not taught in English, teachers are encouraged to increase students' exposure to professional English through introducing keywords and terminologies in English and guiding students in reading English materials.

